Tours in English
Stroll through the City Center
Munich's history started with the salt trade - and what happened then? During our walk in the center of town we explain how the city developed and what events had a lasting influence until today.
We talk about Munich's foundation and history, traditions and customs, modern town planning and development and - of course - about our beer.
Duration: 1,5 hours
Price :225.- €/ pupils+students 200.-€
Victuals Market's Delicious Food Tour
A stroll around Munich's most popular food market is a sensual revelation. Enjoy traditional home-made cheese, Bavarian sausages, sensational chocolate and delicous fruits! While tasting, you will hear about the market's history and presence. Don't miss this tour for your business group or family meeting.
Duration: 1,5-2 hours
Price: group up to 15 persons: 630.- €
Nymphenburg Castle and Park
Summer residence of Bavaria's royalty and nobility, administrative center, tourist attraction. On this tour we inform you about lifestyle and social and economic systems during three centuries.
You will learn about the background of a baroque monarch's princely household, about how the castle was formerly used and is used today. Hear about gorgeous festivities and historic events but also about dog-kennels and horse stables.
Duration: 1,5-2 hours
Price: 225.- €/ pupils+students 200.- €
Olympic Park and Village
The Olympic Area has a long and multi-facetted history. On this tour you will understand it's history.
Once a sheep-walk, drill-ground, airport, rubble-heap. Huge earth masses were moved to create the artificial landscape Olympiapark. The intention was to organize "peaceful and happy" games in contrast to the Nazi Olympics in 1936 in Berlin. How is the area used today? Rock and pop concerts, festivals, soccer matches.... The Olympic Park attracts many people and will do so in the future.
Duration: 1,5 -2 hours
Price: 225.- €/ pupils+students EUR 200.-€
You can combine "Stroll in the City Center" with "Olympic Park and Village" or with "Nymphenburg Castle and Park".
Duration: 3 hours
Price: 245.- €/ pupils+students 220.- €
Please bring your ticket for public transportation.
True or false?
An amusing way of sightseeing in the historical center
Let’s have a closer look at Munich’s highlights. In a vivid and lively way we inform you about the various aspects of the city. BUT we do not always tell you the truth and then it’s up to you to decide: Is that true or are we kidding? Of course in the end you always get to know the true story even if you may think it's unbelievable. ..
Duration: 1,5 hours
Price : 225.-€ /pupils+students 200.- €
Munich and its Beer
Learn more about Munichs beer history on this tour.
Up to the 16th century a lot of wine was drunk in Munich and only then beer did become more and more popular. Munich's beer career started: Breweries, popular inns and beergardens today tell us about this particular aspect of Munich's history. Where was the origin of the famous Hofbräuhaus, what about the so-called purity law, what (political) role played the big beer halls... This and a lot more will be the subject of that tour.
Please bring your ticket for public transportation.
Duration : 1,5 hours
Price: 225.-€ / pupils+students 200.- €
City Tour by Streetcar
By streetcar, a popular means of transportation in Munich, we reach different and contrasting quarters of the city.
At the most important areas we get off and walk a bit. Thus you get an impression of the different facets of the town: The old Munich with its city walls, the city extensions in the last century - magnificent boulevards - the former suburb of Haidhausen - and of modern town planning.
Please bring your ticket for public transportation.
Duration: approx. 2,5 hours
Price: 225.-/ pupils+students 220.- €
America in Munich
Many Americans left their marks in Munich.Thanks to an American we enjoy the English Garden, US-Hits were written here. Hollywood actors made movies at the Bavaria Studios.
The author Mark Twain hated the city from first sight and even Buffalo Bill came here once and loved the „Schuhplattler“. Not to mention Michael Jackson, whose only German memorial is at the Promenadeplatz.
Especially after World War II the american influcence grew in Munich. The so-called „Monuments Men“ took part in one of the biggest treasure hunts in history.
One main task of the „Amerikahaus“ was to „re-educate“ the Germans into democrats. On our tour we show you how information, art und many organisations changed Munich in the following years. After the US-Army left Munich, many traces remained. We tell you about food and sports, music, the Wild West and modern art. Come with us and enjoy the astonishing German-American fusion we’ll show you.
Duration: 1,5 hours
Price for groups: 225.- €/pupils+students: 200 €
National Socialism and Resistance
Hear about the rise of the nationalsocialist party, resistance and how today the city deals with the Nazi past.
Hitler came to Munich in 1912, joined the German Worker's Party (DAP) which he molded into the Nazi Party by 1920. After the Putsch of 1923 had failed Hitler succeeded in seizing political power in 1933. Two years later he gave Munich the dubious title "Capital of the Movement" to remind people that his "political career" had started here. Buildings in typical Nazi architecture were erected.
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Price: 215.-€ / pupils+students 190.- €
Migration to Munich. Places, Images and Debates since 1945
The tour runs around the Bahnhofsviertel (central station), where one can experience how the City and the public authorities welcomed the Migrants and how themes like Migration, Integration and Refugees are negotiated today.
What an arrival! The moment migrants went off their trains at Munichs' Hauptbahnhof, they were brought to the bunker under platform 11. In the 1960s daily more than hundred people arrived from Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia and Turkey. They were concentrated in the bunker and fetched by the employers, brought to their accommodation or forwarded to other parts of West-Germany. The settlement of many of these and later migrants deeply affected the society and townscape of Munich.
Duration approx. 1,5 – 2 hours
Price: 225.- € /pupils+students 200.- €
Visits to Museums
Hear what a painting tells you about how it came into being and about the life of its artist. Learn about life, architecture and fashion in those days. Get to know about the political and social background at that time.
We offer the following tours:
Alte Pinakothek - The Old Masters (i.e.Dürer,Titian,Rubens...)
Neue Pinakothek - The Impressionists (i.e.Manet,Monet,Van Gogh..)
Pinakothek of Modern Art
Museum Brandhorst
(i.e. Warhol, Hirst, Cy Twombly …)
Lenbachhaus - The Blue Rider (i.e.Kandinsky,Marc,Macke,Klee...)
Reduced group tickets/free entrance for EU-school classes to the museums.
Duration: 1,5 hours
Price: 235.- €/ pupils+students 210.- €
Munich City Rallye: Get to know Munich with our city rallye!
Our rallye leads to the important sights of the city center: Peter's Church, the market area, Marienplatz, Frauenkirche, Odeonsplatz, the Residence and to the Hofbräuhaus.
Equipped with a roadmap the participants of our rallye explore the city center in small groups. On the way the roadmap offers background information and the participants are invited to answer questions and find explanations. Creativity will be useful and might decide the game.
Find out why the white sausages should be eaten before o'clock, hear the story why the devil left his footprint in the Frauenkirche and learn how the old Munich looked like.
All questions can be answered without knowing Munich, historical background is not required.
At the end (2 - 3 hours) the various teams meet in a nice restaurant. We check your roadmaps and then we will see…Who is the winning team?
Prices: The price for a group of 10 people is 265 Euro. For each additional participants there is an extra charge of 10 Euro. The price includes reservation of a restaurant; awards to the winners are not included.
Gingerbread and Spekulatius
Christmas times in Munich – an atmospheric walk in the city center.
Who put up the first Christmas tree in Munich? How did the advent wreath and advent calendar come into being? Why do we cut twigs on the 4th of December?
Learn interesting facts about Christmas customs and traditions in Bavaria: about catholic and protestant ones, about forgotten ones, about those we still practice and also about funny ones with a lot of superstition.
Aside of the busy Christmas markets we offer you a taste of gingerbread, hot wine and other little surprises.
Duration: 1,5 - 2 hours
Price: Please contact us.
Munich City Alternatives
Eco-social stuff to go - discover eco & social sustainability for everybody.
Welcome to our eco-social tour. Despite climate change, Volkswagen-Scandal, growing income inequality in Germany and 800 million hungry people worldwide: Munich is rich in people who have already started to make a change towards a better world, in hope of creating a tipping point towards a sustainable world lifestyle. We aim at visiting examples, how everybody can have a positive effect, make a little step, without having to sacrifice his own lifestyle too much. Munich City Centre will serve as an example but the tour is not only for locals. For visitors there will be a lot to see for everbody's life back home. Think global. Act local.
Duration: 1,5 - 2 hours
Price: 225.- € / pupils+students 200.-€
Notre programme de visite en français
Visite et Dégustation au Viktualienmarkt (marché traditionnel)
Laissez-nous vous gâter lors d´une visite guidée au Viktualienmarkt: goûtez la diversité colorée, respirez les odeurs charmantes et faites la connaissance des marchands originals.
Nous visitons le cœur du marché où vous éprouvez le mieux son charme. Nous vous racontons de son histoire et de ses particularités - vous goûtez les délices.
Les marchands choisis sont traditionnels et se characterisent par la passion pour leurs produits et l`atmosphère animéé au marché. Ils aiment bien vous en parler.
Laissez-vous dorloter!
Duré de la visite: 1,5-2 heurs
Prix: un groupe de maximum 15 personnes 630.- €
Ballade à la découverte du centre historique
Munich doit sa fondation à un acte criminel «bien salé». Et que s'est-t-il passé ensuite? Notre promenade montre les étapes traversées par la ville au cours des siècles.
Tout en suivant les traces du passé, nous découvrons la vie munichoise d'aujourd'hui. Nos thèmes au cours de ce circuit: les grands monuments tels que la cathédrale Notre Dame ou la résidence des souverains de Bavière, la bière de Munich bien sûr, ainsi que son petit monde bon chic bon genre….
Duré de la visite: 1,5 heures
Prix: 225.- € /€: étudiants / scolaires 200.-€
Promenades «sur mesure»
Si certains sujets vous intéressent particulièrement, informez-nous. Nous vous proposons une visite classique du centre ville tout en mettant l’accent sur le thème choisi, par exemple:
- Munich et la bière
- Vie et architecture moderne à Munich
Le château et le parc de Nymphenburg
Un château raconte son histoire: théâtre de fêtes magnifiques et de réceptions somptueuses, abritant la vie et les soucis des gouvernants et de leur familles, illustrant la décadence baroque en contraste avec la vie du peuple.
Cette visite vous présentera les aspects touristiques de la résidence des princes électeurs et la vie de la cour à l'époque baroque. Après le château principal, nous visiterons le pavillon de chasse Amalienburg, petit château de plaisance situé dans l'immense parc. Amalienburg est un exemple remarquable du style rococo bavarois.
Duré de la visite: 1,5- 2 heures
Prix: 225.- € / étudiants / scolaires 200 €:
Notez SVP: ce prix n’inclut pas le billet d'entrée au château ni celui pour Amalienburg
Le national-socialisme et la Résistance
En 1920, à Munich, Hitler est membre du comité directeur de la DAP (Parti ouvrier allemand) qui prend ensuite le nom de la NSDAP.
Quinze ans après, il confère à la ville le titre suspect de "Capitale du Mouvement" et y fait construire des bâtiments représentatifs de l'architecture national-socialiste. Autres sujets abordés dans ce circuit à thème: la montée du parti national–socialiste, la Résistance à Munich (par ex. le groupe de résistance "Weiße Rose").
Duré du circuit: 1,5-2 heures
Prix: 225.- € / étudiants / scolaires 200.-€
Notez SVP: Ce circuit n'est approprié que pour des groupes s'intéressant spécifiquement à l'histoire du national-socialisme.
Des tours de Notre Dame de Munich à la Tour Olympique
Découvrez deux quartiers totalement différents de Munich: le centre historique et le Parc Olympique, inauguré en 1972.
Tout d’abord, nous jetons un coup d'œil dans les coulisses des attractions multiples de la ville et expliquons pourquoi elles ont été créées et ce qu’elles signifient pour Munich. Ensuite, nous prenons le métro de Munich (U-Bahn) pour rejoindre le Parc Olympique. Nous visitons le village olympique qui, reconverti partiellement en résidence universitaire, est aujourd'hui comme une petite ville dans la ville. Pour finir, nous nous rendons aux stades olympiques avec leur célèbre toiture en forme de tente.
Durée du circuit: environ 3 heures
Prix: 245.- € / étudiants / scolaires 220.- €
Notez SVP: ce prix n’inclut pas le ticket de métro.
De l'ancienne cité bourgeoise au château de Nymphenburg
Encore deux quartiers très contrastés - le centre de Munich, autrefois cité des bourgeois, et le château de Nymphenburg, résidence d'été des monarques bavarois. Lors de la promenade au centre ville, nous vous parlons de la vie des citoyens hier et de nos jours. Après un court trajet en tramway, nous arrivons au château de Nymphenburg. Nous nous promenons dans le parc du Château avant de visiter le pavillon de chasse "Amalienburg". Le grand thème sera, bien entendu, l’époque baroque, la vie à la cour et sa décadence.
Durée du circuit: env. 3 heures
Prix: 245.- € /étudiants / scolaires 220.- €
Notez SVP: ce prix n’inclut pas le ticket pour le tramway ni l'entrée pour le château Amalienburg
Circuit en Tramway –«Munich à pied et en tram»
Notre circuit en tramway constitue une excellente alternative à un tour de ville en bus. Nous prenons une ligne régulière de tramway et le quittons à certaines stations pour découvrir les alentours. Le point de départ est Karlstor (Stachus), le trajet vous mène à Odeonsplatz, la Résidence de Munich, l' Opéra, la Maximilianstraße jusqu'à Haidhausen, ancien village indépendant annexé par la ville en 1854. Nous y découvrons entre autres une habitation typique des citoyens de Haidhausen du 19ième siècle et un jardin de la bière. Notre visite se termine au centre ville près de Marienplatz.
Durée du circuit: env. 2,5 heures
Prix: 245.- € / étudiants / écoliers 220.-€
Notez SVP: ce prix n’inclut pas le ticket pour le tramway.
Visita guidata della città
I gusti del Viktualienmarkt
Una passeggiata al mercato alimentare nel cuore di Monaco, il Viktualienmarkt, è una rivelazione in tutti i sensi. Assaggiate i formaggi tradizionali fatti in casa, i salumi bavaresi, una cioccolata sensazionale e della frutta deliziosa! Durante la degustazione vi raccontiamo la storia del mercato.
Non perdetevi questo tour per il vostro gruppo di lavoro o per la vostra riunione di famiglia.
Durata: 1,5 ore
Prezzo: 630.-€ per 15 persone.
Passeggiata attraverso la Monaco Vecchia
Tutto ebbe inizio con il sale! E poi? Il nostro giro fra Petersbergl, Frauenkirche, Viktualienmarkt e Hofbräuhaus mostra da che cosa sia stata influenzata nel corso dei secoli l’immagine di Monaco Vecchia. Non tratteremo solo la storia ma anche la vita attuale della città.
Durata: 1,5 ore
Prezzo: 225.- € / Scolari e studenti 200.- €
Da Rathaus (il municipio) a Lustschloß
Affascinante è il percorso che attraversa questi due quartieri: dopo una passaggiata per la movimentata città vecchia con temi storici ed attuali, prendiamo il tram per raggiungere il tranquillo castello di Nymphenburg e confrontarci con la vita della corte. (Fornirsi di biglietto per i mezzi pubblici)
Durata: 3 ore
Prezzo: 245.- € / Scolari e studenti 220.- €
Dalla Frauenkirche alla Torre Olimpica
Caratteristica di questo giro è il contrasto fra due quartieri in sé molto diversi. Getteremo un’occhiata dietro le quinte dei vecchi e dei nuovi simboli di Monaco: cosa portò alla loro nascita, che significato hanno, che cosa li unisce? Partendo dalla città vecchia raggiungeremo con la metropolitana il villaggio olimpico. (Fornirsi di biglietto per i mezzi pubblici)
Durata: 3 ore
Prezzo: 245.- € / Scolari e studenti:220.- €
Attraverso Monaco in Tram e a piedi
Anziché la solita visita di Monaco con bus privati, vi proponiamo un giro ”ecologico” con i tram di linea.
Scenderemo alle fermate più importanti per poi procedere a piedi. Cosí avrete una panoramica sui diversi volti della città: la vecchia Monaco con le sue fortificazioni, l’espansione della città nell’ultimo secolo, le vie di lusso, il vecchio sobborgo Haidhausen, la città attuale. (Consigliabile di pomeriggio, non nelle ore di punta! Fornirsi di biglietto per i mezzi pubblici)
Durata: 2,5 ore
Prezzo: 245.- € / Scolari e studenti 220.- €
Castelli di Nymphenburg e di Amalienburg
A casa dei Wittelsbacher
Un castello racconta la sua storia: di ricevimenti e feste sbalorditive, della vita dei regnanti e delle loro consorti, dell’esaltazione barocca e della voglia di sfoggiare, della moda di allora, degli usi e delle abitudini, di matrimoni contadini e di locande. (Biglietto d’entrata ai castelli non compreso nel prezzo)
Durata: 2 ore
Prezzo:225.- € / Scolari e Studenti 200.- €
Nazionalsocialismo e Resistenza
Lo sviluppo di Monaco come l’ allora ”Capitale del Movimento Nazista”
Hitler trasformò nel 1920 il Partito Tedesco dei Lavoratori (DAP) nel Partito Nazionalsocialista Tedesco dei Lavoratori (NSDAP). Dopo il fallito colpo di stato del 1923 egli tentò di conquistare il potere politico a Berlino con mezzi parlamentari. Per onorare il ruolo giocato durante i ”primi anni del Partito” Monaco ricevette nel 1935 il discutibile titolo d’onore ”Hauptstadt der Bewegung” (Capitale del Movimento) e una serie di edifici simbolici di architettura nazista. Temi del percorso saranno, fra l’altro, lo sviluppo del Partito Nazionalsocialista, le azioni di resistenza e l’approccio odierno con l’eredità nazifascista.
Durata: 2 ore
Prezzo: 225.- € / Scolari e studenti 200.- €
Visita guiada por Múnich
Paseo por el centro histórico
La historia de Múnich empezó con el comercio de sal. ¿Y qué pasó después? Nuestro recorrido implica por ejemplo la colina de la iglesia de San Pedro, el mercado Viktualienmarkt, el Marienplatz con su famoso carillón y la catedral con la pisada del diablo. Pero no solo hablaremos de la historia, como la fundación de la ciudad y su desarrollo urbanístico, sino también de temas actuales, de la economía, de la vida social y cotidiana, y - por supuesto - también de nuestra cerveza.
También ofrecemos este recorrido adaptados a niños.
Duración: 1,5 horas
Precio: 225,- € / alumnos e estudiantes 200,- €
Además ofrecemos el recorrido “Exploración del centro histórico” de forma más interactiva.
Duración: aprox. 2,5 horas
Precio: 245,- € / alumnos e estudiantes 220,- €
Nacionalsocialismo y resistencia
Hitler comenzó su carrera política en Múnich. En 1919 fue miembro del DPA (Partido Laborista Alemán), que fue renombrado en NSDAP un año después. También aquí, en 1923, hizo su primer intento de golpe de estado. Durante la visita no solo recorreremos los escenarios originales de la fatídica historia de “la capital del movimiento” para conocer todos los acontecimientos, sino también los monumentos dedicados a la resistencia como por ejemplo la universidad en la que los hermanos Scholl fueron descubiertos mientras tiraban sus panfletos clandestinamente.
Duración: 1,5- 2 horas
Precio: 225,- € / alumnos e estudiantes 200,- €
Múnich culinario
Este tour le trae la comida y el sabor de Múnich. Conocerá los platos tradicionales y locales, el mercado Viktualienmarkt, y la cerveza y su historia. Y lo mas importante, con 4-5 degustaciones de la variedad de alimentos típicos de Múnich en los alrededores del mercado Viktualienmarkt y Rindermarkt – desde Brezn, embutido, queso, café y dulces.
Duración : 1,5-2 horas
Precio: Grupo hasta 15 personas 630,- €
Zwiedzanie Monachium z przewodnikiem w języku polskim
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Nasz spacer po historycznym centrum miasta zabierze nas do Petersbergu, Viktualienmarkt, Marienplatz ze słynnym carillonem i katedrą - jednym z symboli Monachium. Opowiemy nie tylko o początkach naszego miasta, ale także pokażemy, jak miasto się rozwijało i jakie wydarzenia szczególnie je charakteryzowały. Jakie tradycje mamy w Monachium i jak wygląda codzienne życie w mieście? Tematem będzie nie tylko handel solą, od którego wszystko się zaczęło, ale oczywiście także słynne monachijskie piwo!